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Every year, we the GS Giants, throw a big shin-dig somewhere in the continental United States. What is its goal? To bring together a group of like-minded individuals who love to ride, kick tires, tell tall tales and don’t mind if you’re dirty. Our rally isn’t a vendor meeting. There aren't boxes of used parts being bartered. It’s a bunch of riders, young and old who for the most part really really like knobby tires. Think of going out exploring with some friends, slab or dirt, coming back to a campfire, meal and a beer. That’s the gist, and you get to pick the pace. Burning clutches across a rock garden all day or zipping down a gravel farm road taking pictures of cows. Everybody wins.

So you’re not an 11-year enduro racer with a barn full of bikes? Most of us aren’t either. While our club is knee deep with experienced riders, some are Newbs, and we love Newbs. 

For 2025 our annual party, aka GO BIG will be Friday June 13 to Wednesday June 18 at the Tellico Overlanders Adventure Destination (TOAD) in Tellico Plains, Tennessee.   This is the weekend before the BMW Owners Of America National Rally which will be in Lebanon, Tennessee from June 19 to the 22nd.   Our annual meeting and dinner bash will take place on Tuesday, June 17.  We will head over to Lebanon on Wednesday.


In a nod to BMW's GS TROPHY competition we're delighted to offer a sample of what the GS TROPHY is all about.  We're working with GIANTS who have participated in the GS TROPHY and the Qualifiers to host a Monday qualifier to participate in the RIDE FOR THE CUP.   We will use the qualifiers to set up three rider teams who will compete together for the CUP Tuesday.   Our goal is to offer an opportunity for anyone interested in someday winning a spot on the US Team to get a chance to immerse themselves in all things GS TROPHY.  We will have presentations from Trophy competitors on what it takes to earn a spot and what to expect should you win.  This event is designed for riders of all abilities.

We'll also have plenty of on site and off site rides.  TOAD is also the home of March Moto Madness and the GS GIANTS have a long history of providing .GPX files for the surrounding area.  The core elements of the challenge course will be open on Saturday and Sunday for practice, with what we call "light coaching" from your peers with experience to share.

The main event will run from Sunday to Wednesday with our big bash Tuesday evening.  We're working on a base member price that will include camping Sunday-Wednesday with dinner Tuesday included, along with options for meals from Sunday dinner to a grab and go breakfast on Wednesday.  As with all our events we're focused on delivering a great time at the lowest cost possible.

Registration will open in February.

The GS Giants Inc., is a non-profit corporation club under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania and a 501(c)(7) social club under the regulations of the United States Internal Revenue Service. Our mailing address is 219 N. Main Ave #117 Scranton, PA 18504-3307, United States.

Read our Privacy Policy here.

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